The Naturally Supernatural Course
Equipping you to pursue a Spirit empowered lifestyle!
After a recent speaking tour of a number of large US churches, a well-known African pastor declared, "It's amazing how much you American Christians have achieved without fully trusting the Holy Spirit! Imagine would you could do for God if you truly began partnering with Him!"
The Naturally Supernatural Course: A grace filled, pastorally wise, and biblically rooted process.
GROW as a disciple of Jesus as you become more attuned to the voice of God
EXPERIENCE release from any lack of confidence to exercise the naturally supernatural gifts of the Spirit
DISCOVER how a naturally supernatural approach can transform your witness and your impact with friends far from God
OVERCOME the absence of healthy modeling with practical next steps
INCREASE your experience of the gifts of the Spirit in everyday life
NEVER have to worry again about the Christian life being dull and sadly predictable - for you or your kids!
The Naturally Supernatural Course covers so much incredible material! Here's some of what you'll explore:
We invite you to learn from our combined 50+ years of experience in healthy and biblical exercise of the more overtly supernatural gifts of the Spirit!
Having led, coached, and worked with scores of churches, we've almost certainly experienced your current barrier - and figured out how to gain breakthrough.
It is out of this robust, challenging and yet often very fruitful journey that the Naturally Supernatural Course has been birthed.
We're both very ordinary people - but we've watched God use us to share countless accurate prophetic words, minister healing to thousands of people, bring deliverance and hope to many, and see breakthrough in many of the other gifts.
Out of those experiences, we have sought to reverse engineer what happens, so that all believers, at whatever age or stage, can step into a Spirit empowered lifestyle!
None of this is meant to be reserved for the few! Jesus expects all of His followers to live Holy Spirit empowered lifestyles. All of us are empowered to represent Him through words, signs, and service.
“Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’
And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’.”
(John 20:21-22)
Hear from those who've already gone through this material
“The Naturally Supernatural Course helped me live with a different awareness of God's supernatural activity and equipped me with practical tools that help me live more open to the supernatural work God wants to do in and through me.”
“I am an ordinary person with an EXTRAORDINARY friend - the Holy Spirit! The course has awakened and equipped me with a new language to speak, a new set of ears to listen with and a new understanding of the access I have to the power of the Holy Spirit.”
“The Naturally Supernatural training was a true catalyst for my spiritual life. I did everything that Alex and Hannah taught and for the first time in my life I saw people get healed, I've shared (accurate) prophetic words, and I've seen people freed from spiritual oppression. I highly recommend it.”
“Coming from a church background that did not emphasize living supernaturally, I can say that I was not ‘weirded out’ by this Course! It really is natural. I took what I learned back to my church and we started developing the gift of prophecy (and we received words from God), prayer for healing (and we saw people healed), deliverance (and we saw people delivered).”
“This course was incredibly helpful. All material was thoughtfully anchored in the Bible, and tremendously practical even for beginners looking to start ministering in the power of the Spirit. Alex and Hannah are humble, grounded, and eager to serve the church. Highly recommended!”
“I loved the segment on 'The Kingdom Now and Kingdom Not Yet'. I will continue daily to seek God's kingdom now. ”
“Sometimes principles of Christianity are learned one principle at a time. This course puts all of those principles in order and in context, including the how and the why. Great!”
“Theologically sound. Very relevant. Great illustrations.”
We believe that every believer should have a simple pathway to step into the power and authority that Jesus has promised to give all of His followers.
We understand that you rightly want to remain rooted in Scripture in how you do this. And you certainly don't want to start behaving in strange or weird ways! We 100% agree!!
The Naturally Supernatural Course gives you a clear, biblical and practical pathway into a Holy Spirit empowered lifestyle.
Just click on the Part of the Course (below) that you want.